Curatela Placebo

Curatela Placebo is a curatorial action led by a multi-disciplinary collaboration between, Margherita Falqui, Silvia Marchese, Marina Marques.

Margherita Falqui, born in Sardinia in 1996 has studied art history and then visual arts in Venice and her interest revolves around video art, writing and curating.

Silvia Marchese, born in Teramo, Italy, in 1993, comes from the world of product design and art publishing, then continued with studies of botany and visual arts.

Marina Marques was born in Brazil in 1998. She grew up in Italy and based in Venice, UK and Iceland. As a curator and transdisciplinary artist her research and practice focus on the sense of smell and its relation with contemporary art through the exploration of its performative and subliminal potential.

Curatela Placebo plays around the idea of art curating as a placebo cure for real symptoms, using the empathic power of artworks. The collaboration was born in the context of a workshop by the curator and art critic Angela Vettese at IUAV University in Venice, during the spring 2021 lockdown.

The mission through Curatela Placebo was to create an exhibition about the olfactory loss that could be easily delivered and experienced with no need of a physical space.

Margherita Falqui, Silvia Marchese and Marina Marques


Margaux Crump


Lula Curioca