Tar Snakes by Tennessee MacDougall


odorous molecules | 50mL | Edition of 1

the scent of hot tar being poured into the holes and cracks of a damaged road

artist statement:

The road is damaged. Holes and cracks. Men come to pour hot tar to stitch it. The road now looks like a strange alphabet. Black letters drawing a story stretching towards a future as abstract as a perfume in the making. Minimalist song for the senses. Fiction of asphalt and smoking tire tracks.

A recurring dream. A constant desire for a world as concrete as a road under my feet. The sun revolving around an accident that hasn’t yet happened. Horizon that skids. Smoldering scents. Scents that burn, that would like to conjure a world as simple as a picture without ornaments.

A breath under the skin. A recurring dream. A persistent odor. Metal and resin. Rose oxide and styrax. An invitation to interweave the essential and the invisible, the sensual and the imaginary, the oozing and the ethereal.

Xylenol and cade. The future that smells the present. The many roads yet untraveled.

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